Z-Sky is a small and independent press started by a loving couple and a miniature schnauzer.
Started in April 2021, Z-Sky is the brainchild of Jonathan and Zuriel van Belle, who live, laugh, and garden in Oregon, USA, with their miniature schnauzer Nietzsche.
Jonathan van Belle is an independent scholar and author, most recently of Zenithism (2021), a book which explores the prospect that an infinite natural system evolves infinitely many maximally advanced conscious beings.
Zuriel van Belle is an instructor of geography at Portland State University, director of the Portland Urban Coyote Project, and a freelance academic. Apart from her professional work, Zuriel loves to garden, watercolor, and hike with Nietzsche.
Nietzsche is a very good boy and dog enthusiast, who specializes in paw, sit, hello (wave), and many other proficiencies. Born in 2019, Nietzsche is the youngest ever miniature schnauzer to join the small press industry.